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June 3-10/17 - Kid and Adult Gradings
Over the course of the first week of June, Sensei John held gradings for the kids and adults at all levels. Sensei's gradings always test all aspects of his students' karate. From physical fitness, to kihon (basics), idogeiko (moving basics), knowledge of Japanese terminology, kata, kumite (fighting) and perhaps most of all, Kyokushin spirit...EVERYTHING is examined in minute detail. Sensei John makes no apologies for demanding the very best from his students, so passing a grading is never a given. Indeed, perhaps the truest test of a student's humility and perseverance is how they deal with failure. Being able to admit to themselves that their karate skills were lacking in some regard, training harder, and bouncing back is very much a part of the character building that is inherent to Kyokushin Karate training. Having said that, the vast majority of the candidates acquitted themselves well. Sensei was pleased to see demonstrable improvement from his students since their last grading. Well done to all. Osu! Click here (and login to Facebook) to see photos of the beginner/intermediate kids grading and the advanced kids grading. Click here to see pictures of the intermediate/advanced adult grading.
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Feb. 11/17 - West Island Karate Championship
The 2017 West Island Karate Championship was the 16th edition of our annual tournament. Sensei John decided to make this year's tournament a U14 event (open only to competitors under 14 years of age). Sensei hopes to make this a first step towards the implementation of a new tournament system which prepares our younger students in stages for international-level competition. By following the Japanese and European tournament models, young karateka can be gradually introduced to tournaments which require increasing levels of contact and intensity. The purpose is to eventually narrow the wide gap which currently exists between the full contact and knockdown levels. Consequently when the time comes for a student to make that jump, he/she will simply be moving up another smaller level, instead of being forced to make a huge leap that discourages our young fighters from competing at knockdown tournaments. As always, the WIKC 2017 featured some high-level kata and kumite competition as all the dojos involved brought their best to compete. Many thanks to all the competitors and all their parents and supporters. A big thank you goes out to all the Sempais, Senseis and Shihans for donating their time to coach and/or help provide high-quality, professional refereeing to ensure the safety of all the competitors, something which is of paramount importance to all involved (especially to us at West Island Karate / Karaté de L'Île). Finally Sensei would like to extend his greatest appreciation to all the volunteers from our dojo without whom the 2017 WIKC would not have been possible. Due to scheduling conflicts this year, we were not able to access the venue to setup until 8 am on the day of the tournament! But with a Herculean effort, we went from a completely vacant room to having a greeting table setup outside the entrance, 3 tatamis, 3 scoring/registration tables, all the necessary spectator seating in place, a roped-off competition area, a trophy holding/display area on the stage, an admin table which provided our custom Tournament System over WiFi (written by our own Sempai Steve...thanks Sempai) for our registration/scoring staff as well as everyone in attendance, a PA system, a fully-stocked canteen with free lunch for all our volunteers/refs, security staff to help direct the competitors and even provide plastic bags for everyone's winter boots. It was a somewhat frantic (and stressful :-)) morning, but with everyone chipping-in wherever they could, we were up and running in less than an hour! AND we still managed to start the tournament EXACTLY at 10 am...something we're VERY proud of (we always endeavor to respect everyone's time since you are making the effort to support our humble tournament). So many many thanks to all our hard-working volunteers...domo arigato gozaimashita! Click on the poster above and login to Facebook to see photos from the 2017 West Island Karate Championship courtesy of Julie Vuong (much appreciated Julie-san). We were even paid a visit by Rhonda Massad of the West Island Blog who broadcast a live video from our tournament and wrote a very nice article about the West Island Karate Championship on her blog (thank you Rhonda).
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Jan. 8/17 - Kagami Biraki
Our 2017 Kagami Biraki (New Year's Training) was an excellent training and a fun way to kick off the new year. With 119 karateka in attendance from various Kyokushin organizations and dojos, this was the largest Kagami Biraki yet. All profits from our Kagami Biraki went to the members of Team Canada who will be participating at the 6th Shinkyokushinkai World Championship in weight categories in Astana, Kazakhstan, on July 1-2, 2017. At the end of the training, the Shihans and Senseis thanked everyone for supporting the Kagami Biraki and making it a great event. In particular, Shihan Max and Sensei Luciano reiterated what all the instructors in attendance believed...this training was a great example of what we can accomplish when we all work together in the spirit of cooperation and openness (even though we may belong to different Kyokushin organizations). It's obvious that training together, sharing knowledge and supporting each other benefits EVERYONE involved, in particular the STUDENTS - we were definitely the big winners today. If today was any indication, 2017 is going to be a great year! Happy New Year everyone! On behalf of Sensei John, many thanks to our good friends Shihan Max, Shihan Hugo, Sensei Luciano and special guest, Sensei Robert Daoust, for so generously sharing their time, energy and knowledge with all of us. Robert Sensei, please have a safe trip back to Japan. Osu! Click on the picture above and login to Facebook to see photos of the Kagami Biraki (courtesy of Julie Vuong...much appreciated Julie-san!). Join our West Island Karate/Karaté de L'Île Facebook group today to get the very latest news regarding dojo events and to access exclusive content not available on our website.
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